Here is a puzzle for you !!!!!!!!

Published on Sunday, August 7, 2011 in

Here is a puzzle for you 
Imagine you are in Africa . You have been tied hanging on a tree with
a rope anchored on the ground, a candle is slowly burning the rope,
and the lion is waiting for you to drop and be his lunch. 

 Description: Description: www.FunAndFunOnly.net

Your survival hinges on the rope staying intact, there is no one
around to help you. 
 What to do now ............. 




The answer is …….

Sing a Birthday song… 
"Happy Birthday to you….
Happy Birthday to you….
Happy Birthday Dear Lion 
Description: Description: www.FunAndFunOnly.net

Description: Description: www.FunAndFunOnly.net
Howzzzzzz that!!!!!!!

A day spent without laughter is a day wasted... 
Keep smiling! Cheers!!

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